Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Siri + ChatGPT

Although I appreciate Siri's ability to automate my home, there are times when it can be frustrating, such as when it replies with the annoying message "I found some web results, I sent them to your iPhone." Let's make Siri much more useful and fun by integrating Siri with OpenAI/ChatGPT via Shortcuts app. It even works with HomePod and Apple Watch.

To get started, we need to define a variable with our OpenAPI token, and then use the Dictate Text action to convert speech to text and store the result in another variable.
Next, let's set another variable with parameters for OpenAI query:
Now, let's issue a REST call:
And finally let's extract the reply and pass it back to Siri to read it aloud.
Now, you can say "Hey Siri, 2001" (I named the shortcut "2001") and it will ask you for a propmpt, once you provide it a moment later it will read the OpenAI/ChatGPT reply to you making Siri really useful and fun to engage with. It even works in CarPlay mode while driving.

You can download the Shortcut as well, enjoy.

btw: I asked ChatGPT to improve the blog post, here is the result:

The given blog post can be improved by making some modifications and clarifications. Below is the improved version of the post:

Siri is an amazing tool that can automate various tasks and make life much easier. However, sometimes it can be frustrating when it responds with the message "I found some web results, I sent them to your iPhone." To make Siri even more useful and fun, we can integrate Siri/Shortcuts with OpenAI/ChatGPT, which can work with HomePod too.

To get started, we need to define a variable with our OpenAI token. Then, we can use the Dictate Text action to convert speech to text and store the result in another variable. This allows Siri to understand our speech and perform the necessary actions.

Next, we need to set another variable with the parameters for the OpenAI query. These parameters include the text we want to generate, the model we want to use, and the temperature of the output. Temperature refers to the randomness of the generated text. Higher temperatures will result in more creative and unexpected output, but lower temperatures will produce more accurate and predictable text.

Once we have set the necessary variables, we can issue a REST call to the OpenAI API. This will send our query to the OpenAI server and retrieve the generated text. We can then use the Text action to speak the generated text aloud or display it on the screen.

It's important to note that using OpenAI/ChatGPT with Siri requires some programming skills and knowledge of APIs. However, with some practice and experimentation, anyone can create their own Siri shortcuts and integrate them with OpenAI. With this powerful combination, we can create a wide range of useful and entertaining applications, from generating creative writing prompts to answering trivia questions.

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