Thursday, March 20, 2008

ZFS Encryption

At yesterday's LOSUG Darren Moffat, Sun Senior Staff Engineer presented current status of ZFS encryption. It was really interesting presentation. He even managed to panic system :)

The good thing is it's going to be very easy to use and is going to be integrated relatively soon - IIRC about build 92. It was also nice to be able to talk to him after his presentation and share some thoughts.

If you are from London area I think it would be worthwhile to pop-in at LOSUG meeting - you can always learn something new or meet new people.


  1. Is ZFS out and available for solaris 10? What forms of encryption will it support?

  2. ZFS has been in Solaris 10 for many years now. However built-in ZFS encryption has not been integrated yet but you could use lofi encrypted devices and build ZFS on-top of them.
