Friday, July 27, 2012

Locking a running process in RAM

Recently I was looking at a possibility of locking some or all memory mappings, for an already running process, in RAM. Why would you want to do it? There might be many reasons. One of them is to prevent a critical process to be swapped out.

Now, how can we do it without restarting a process or changing its code? There is memcntl() and similar calls like plock(), mlock(), etc. - but they only work for a process which is calling them. However libproc on Solaris allows you to run memcntl() in a context of other process, among many other cool things. By the way - libproc is used by tools like truss, ppgsz, etc.

First, lets see that it actually works. Here is a bash process running as a non-root user, see that no mappings are locked in RAM.
cwafseng3 $ pmap -ax $$
27709:  bash
 Address  Kbytes     RSS    Anon  Locked Mode   Mapped File
08050000     968     968       -       - r-x--  bash
08151000      76      76       8       - rwx--  bash
08164000     140     140      56       - rwx--    [ heap ]
F05D0000     440     440       -       - r-x--
F064E000       8       8       4       - rw---
F0650000      20      12       -       - rw---
F0660000      56      56       -       - r-x--
F067E000       4       4       -       - rw---
FE560000      64      16       -       - rwx--    [ anon ]
FE577000       4       4       4       - rwxs-    [ anon ]
FE580000      24      12       4       - rwx--    [ anon ]
FE590000       4       4       4       - rw---    [ anon ]
FE5A0000    1352    1352       -       - r-x--
FE702000      44      44      16       - rwx--
FE70D000       4       4       -       - rwx--
FE710000       4       4       -       - r-x--
FE720000       4       4       4       - rw---    [ anon ]
FE730000     184     184       -       - r-x--
FE76E000      16      16       -       - rw---
FE772000       8       8       -       - rw---
FE780000       4       4       4       - rw---    [ anon ]
FE790000       4       4       4       - rw---    [ anon ]
FE7A0000       4       4       -       - rw---    [ anon ]
FE7AD000       4       4       -       - r--s-    [ anon ]
FE7B4000     220     220       -       - r-x--
FE7FB000       8       8       4       - rwx--
FE7FD000       4       4       -       - rwx--
FEFFB000      16      16       4       - rw---    [ stack ]
-------- ------- ------- ------- -------
total Kb    3688    3620     116       -
Now, I will use the small tool I wrote, to lock all mappings with RX or RWX protections on them. The tool requires for a PID to be specified.
$ ./pr_memcntl 27709
pr_memcntl() failed: Not owner
Although I run it as root, it failed. Remember when I wrote a moment ago, that libproc would call memcntl() from a contetx of the target process? The target process here is bash with pid 27709 and it is running as a standard user, and by default a standard user cannot lock pages in memory. We can add the required privileges for locking pages in RAM. Lets see what's missing. I enabled privilege debugging for the bash process and run the pr_memcntl tool again
$ ppriv -D 27709
bash[27709]: missing privilege "proc_lock_memory"
            (euid = 145104, syscall = 131) needed at memcntl+0x140
Now, lets add the missing privilege to the bash process and then try again locking the mappings:
$ ppriv -s EP+proc_lock_memory 27709
$ ./pr_memcntl 27709
This time no error, lets see the pmap output again:
$ pmap -ax $$
27709:  bash
 Address  Kbytes     RSS    Anon  Locked Mode   Mapped File
08050000     968     968       -     968 r-x--  bash
08151000      76      76       8      76 rwx--  bash
08164000     140     140      48     140 rwx--    [ heap ]
F05D0000     440     440       -     440 r-x--
F064E000       8       8       4       - rw---
F0650000      20      12       -       - rw---
F0660000      56      56       -      56 r-x--
F067E000       4       4       -       - rw---
FE560000      64      64       -      64 rwx--    [ anon ]
FE577000       4       4       4       - rwxs-    [ anon ]
FE580000      24      24       4      24 rwx--    [ anon ]
FE590000       4       4       4       - rw---    [ anon ]
FE5A0000    1352    1352       -    1352 r-x--
FE702000      44      44      16      44 rwx--
FE70D000       4       4       -       4 rwx--
FE710000       4       4       -       4 r-x--
FE720000       4       4       4       - rw---    [ anon ]
FE730000     184     184       -     184 r-x--
FE76E000      16      16       -       - rw---
FE772000       8       8       -       - rw---
FE780000       4       4       4       - rw---    [ anon ]
FE790000       4       4       4       - rw---    [ anon ]
FE7A0000       4       4       -       - rw---    [ anon ]
FE7AD000       4       4       -       - r--s-    [ anon ]
FE7B4000     220     220       -     220 r-x--
FE7FB000       8       8       4       8 rwx--
FE7FD000       4       4       -       4 rwx--
FEFFB000      16      16       4       - rw---    [ stack ]
-------- ------- ------- ------- -------
total Kb    3688    3680     108    3588
It works! :)

Notice that only mappings with RX or RWX protections are locked (as hard-coded in the tool, but any mappings or entire process can be locked if desired). The tool can obviously easily be expanded so it automatically adds the privilege if needed.

The C code below is a prototype - it is not idiot proof nor does it handle all errors, and it could be more user friendly - but it works and it is trivial to extend it. It should work on Solaris 10 and Solaris 11 and also on all Illumos based distributions.

Notice, that it sets MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE flags, meaning that not only current rx|rwx mappings are locked but also all future mappings, with the rx|rwx protections set, will be locked as well. In order to compile the program you need libproc.h which is currently not distributed with Solaris (hopefully it will change soon). You can get a copy from here.

Some ideas on how the tool could be easily extended:
  • add an option to add the proc_lock_memory automatically (and perhaps update resource limit as well)
  • add an option to remove a lock on specific mapping or from all mappings
  • add an option to specify what should be lock
  • add options to specify if only current mappings and/or future mappings should be locked as well

ps. putting a process in RT class would achieve a similar result, although it wouldn't give a control over which mappings should be locked, and running in RT might not be desirable for other reasons as well

// gcc -m64 -lproc -I. -o pr_memcntl pr_memcntl.c
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libproc.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  pid_t pid;
  int perr;
  static struct ps_prochandle *Pr;
  pid = atoi(argv[1]);
  if((Pr = Pgrab(pid, PGRAB_NOSTOP, &perr)) == NULL) {
    printf("Pgrab() failed: %s\n", Pgrab_error(perr));
  if(pr_memcntl(Pr, 0, 0, MC_LOCKAS, (caddr_t)(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE), PROC_TEXT, (int)0)) {
    perror("pr_memcntl() failed");
    Prelease(Pr, 0);
  if(pr_memcntl(Pr, 0, 0, MC_LOCKAS, (caddr_t)(MCL_CURRENT|MCL_FUTURE), PROC_TEXT|PROT_WRITE, (int)0)) {
    perror("pr_memcntl() failed");
    Prelease(Pr, 0);
  Prelease(Pr, 0);
  Pr = NULL;

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