Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Long ssh logins

On a couple of our servers running Solaris we noticed that it usually takes more than 10s to login. Once in everything is a snap. I quickly investigated it and this turned out to be interesting. I used truss(1M) to investigate what's going on from the moment I connect to the moment I have a working shell.
# truss -f -o /tmp/a -v all -adDE -p 408
Now I logged in to the system and analyzed /tmp/a file. First I confirmed that it took over 10s to login. From the moment the connection was accepted to the moment I got interactive session it took about 11s as shown below:
408: 2.6594 0.0007 0.0000 fcntl(4, F_SETFL, (no flags)) = 0
12186: 14.0814 0.0001 0.0000 write(4, " | : { b7F S LB7A2 BA13".., 64) = 64
12196: read(0, 0x080473DF, 1) (sleeping...)
So I checked when it started to go wrong.
408: 2.6594 0.0007 0.0000 fcntl(4, F_SETFL, (no flags)) = 0
12196: 3.7245 0.0003 0.0003 forkx(0) = 12200
The connection started just before the fcntl showed above and everything is executing quick up-to forkx() at 3.7245s. So far it took a little more than 1s. What happens next seems to be a loop of hundreds of entries like:
12200: 4.5521 0.0000 0.0000 ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_USERSPACE_ONE, 0x08046790) Err#48 ENOTSUP
12200: 4.5522 0.0001 0.0000 ioctl(7, MNTIOC_GETMNTENT, 0x08047C1C) = 0
12200: 4.5917 0.0395 0.0002 ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08046390) = 0
12200: 4.5918 0.0001 0.0000 getuid() = 35148 [35148]
12200: 4.5919 0.0001 0.0000 getuid() = 35148 [35148]
12200: 4.5919 0.0000 0.0000 door_info(6, 0x08046460) = 0
12200: target=189 proc=0x806FCD0 data=0xDEADBEED
12200: attributes=DOOR_UNREF|DOOR_NO_CANCEL
12200: uniquifier=289
12200: 4.5922 0.0003 0.0000 door_call(6, 0x080464D0) = 0
12200: data_ptr=FE430000 data_size=232
12200: desc_ptr=0x0 desc_num=0
12200: rbuf=0xFE430000 rsize=16384
12200: 4.5923 0.0001 0.0000 ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_USERSPACE_ONE, 0x08046790) Err#48 ENOTSUP
12200: 4.5923 0.0000 0.0000 ioctl(7, MNTIOC_GETMNTENT, 0x08047C1C) = 0
12200: 4.6095 0.0172 0.0001 ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08046390) = 0
12200: 4.6096 0.0001 0.0000 getuid() = 35148 [35148]
12200: 4.6096 0.0000 0.0000 getuid() = 35148 [35148]
12200: 4.6097 0.0001 0.0000 door_info(6, 0x08046460) = 0
12200: target=189 proc=0x806FCD0 data=0xDEADBEED
12200: attributes=DOOR_UNREF|DOOR_NO_CANCEL
12200: uniquifier=289
12200: 4.6098 0.0001 0.0000 door_call(6, 0x080464D0) = 0
12200: data_ptr=FE430000 data_size=232
12200: desc_ptr=0x0 desc_num=0
12200: rbuf=0xFE430000 rsize=16384
12200: 4.6098 0.0000 0.0000 ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_USERSPACE_ONE, 0x08046790) Err#48 ENOTSUP
12200: 4.6099 0.0001 0.0000 ioctl(7, MNTIOC_GETMNTENT, 0x08047C1C) = 0
12200: 4.6201 0.0102 0.0001 ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08046390) = 0
12200: 4.6202 0.0001 0.0000 getuid() = 35148 [35148]
12200: 4.6203 0.0001 0.0000 getuid() = 35148 [35148]
The process with PID 12200 was:
12200:   3.8229  0.0947  0.0013 execve("/usr/sbin/quota", 0x0811F9E8, 0x0811D008)  argc = 1
12200: *** SUID: ruid/euid/suid = 35148 / 0 / 0 ***
12200: argv: /usr/sbin/quota
By visually looking at couple of pages of these ioctls it looked like most of the total time would be spent in doing ioctl(3, ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS, 0x08046390). Lets check it:
# grep "^12200:" /tmp/a |grep ioctl|grep ZFS_IOC_OBJSET_STATS|awk 'BEGIN{i=0}{i=i+$3}END{print i}'
So out of 11s above ioctls along took 9. To have a clear picture lets check how much time the quota command took:
# grep "^12200:" /tmp/a |head -1
12200: 3.7245 3.7245 0.0000 forkx() (returning as child ...) = 12196
# grep "^12200:" /tmp/a |tail -1
12200: 13.9854 0.0003 0.0000 _exit(0)
So it took about 10s which means almost 100% of its time was spent doing above ioctls.
There are almost 300 zfs filesystems on this particular server so it all adds up. Sometimes quota completes very quickly sometimes it takes many seconds - I guess depending if requested data from all these zfs filesystems is cached or not. You need to run quota as a non-root user otherwise most checks are skipped and it is always quick.
Since we are not using quota on these systems anyway I commented out quota check in /etc/profile and now a full login takes about 1s on average which is 10-12x improvement.


  1. I normally remove quota (and mail) checks on systems that I manage, as they're invariably useless. And if I can't, then touching ~/.hushlogin can help a lot too.

    One culprit I've seen in the last week was a transcontinental NFS mount - checking quota on that at every login was just silly.

  2. Great investigation.
    I recently ran into this as well. Is this check independent of ZFS quotas?

  3. Dru R - yes, it is independent. It is run from /etc/profile and basically checks all filesystems (ufs, nfs, zfs) for a user quota.

    Peter - yeah, you can comment the quota out in /etc/profile so it is disabled for all users or create a .hushlogin for each of them
