Friday, July 03, 2009

MySQL - 8x Performance Improvement

I came across an interesting problem today. A perl script running a mysql query and it takes too much time to complete. It spends almost all its time while waiting for this mysql query (anonymized):

select a, b, registered, c, d from XXX where date(registered) >= date_sub(date(NOW()),interval 7 day)

The problem is that there are over 70 million rows in the XXX table and the query takes over 7 minutes to complete mostly waiting for a disk I/O.

explain select a, b, registered, c, d from XXX where date(registered) >= date_sub(date(NOW()),interval 7 day)\G

id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: XXX
type: ALL
possible_keys: NULL
key: NULL
key_len: NULL
ref: NULL
rows: 72077742
Extra: Using where
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

So the reason it is so slow is that mysql does not use an index here. It turned out that if you use a function on a column in a where statement then mysql won't use an index!

There is a reason why the statement is using date() and date_sub() functions as it is expected to compare dates where time is 00:00:00 so I can't . But one can cast() functions to timestamp and used registered directly which will allow mysql to use index:
explain select a, b, registered, c, d from XXX where registered >= cast(date_sub(date(NOW()),interval 7 day) as datetime)

id: 1
select_type: SIMPLE
table: XXX
type: range
possible_keys: YYY
key: YYY
key_len: 9
ref: NULL
rows: 1413504
Extra: Using where
1 row in set (0.10 sec)
After the modification the script takes about 50s to execute compared to over 7 minutes which is a very nice 8x performance improvement! Not to mention a much less impact on a database server.


  1. MySql Perfomance should be improved more, so that it can compete in the market and stay alive

    Amarjit Singh Kullar

  2. MySql Perfomance should be improved more, so that it can compete in the market and stay alive

    Amarjit Singh Kullar

  3. Robert - I have a question about your old "hba_inq" program (it's not seeing half the disks I have in an Infortrend RAID box configured as JBOD with 2 sets of LUNs assigned half-and-half to each controller). Should I post it as a comment to that old post of yours? Or could you drop me a line @ Riot (dot) Nrrrd (dot) mail @ GMail? Thx muchly

  4. Same here:,123685,123685
