Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sun Cluster 3.2

Finally Sun Cluster 3.2 is out. You can download it here for free. Just to highlight it - SC3.2 supports ZFS so you can for example build HA-NFS with ZFS and it works like a charm - I've been running such configs for months now (with SC3.2 beta). Also I know people generally don't like to learn new CLIs but in case of new SC it's worth it - imho it's much nicer. Additionally thanks to Quorum server it's now possible to setup cluster without shared storage - could be useful sometimes. Documentation is available here.


Ease of Use
* New Command Line Interfaces
* Oracle 10g improved integration and administration
* Agent configuration wizards
* Flexible IP address scheme

Higher Availability
* Cluster support for SMF services
* Quorum server
* Extended flexibility for fencing protocol
* Greater Flexibility
* Expanded support for Solaris Containers
* HA ZFS - agent support for Sun's new file system
* Extended support for Veritas software components

Better Operations and Administration
* Dual-partition software update
* Live upgrade
* Optional GUI installation

With Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition, new features include:
* Support for x64 platforms
* Support for EMC SRDF replication software

Solaris Cluster is supported on Solaris 9 9/05 and Solaris 10 11/06.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike, thanks for the kind words. The Cluster team did a heck of a job on this release. 3.2 is the largest feature release since 3.0, as was 3.1u4 and 3.1u3 before it. We seem to be getting better and better at cranking out great quality new features. If you haven't checked out the SC blog you might find it interesting. We are trying to open up dialogue with consumers of the technology by posting directly from the team developing the product. If you get a chance take a browse and let us know what you think...or what you'd like to have a discussion about.
    The location is

    We've also got some goofy videos comming up(one is on there now).

    If you are in the bay area(or next time you are) you should let us know and we'll invite you over for the next beer bust. This last week was a champagne bust for the release party.

    Thanks again,
    Keith White
    Director, Solaris Cluster Engineering
