Monday, August 20, 2007

IBM to distribute Solaris

That's an interesting news. First IBM and Sun started to support Solaris x86 on IBM's x86 blade servers, then HP again started to support Solaris x86 on most of its x86 servers, then early this year Intel joined Open Solaris, and now:

IBM and Sun announced that IBM will distribute the Solaris operating system (OS) and Solaris Subscriptions for select x86-based IBM System x servers and Blade Center servers. Sun President and CEO, Jonathan Schwartz, and IBM Senior Vice President and Group Executive, Bill Zeitler, jointly presented the news during a press conference on August 16, 2007. This news follows Intel's endorsement of Solaris in January. Today, the Solaris OS is supported on more than 820 x86-based platforms and more than 3000 x86-based applications.
Read more.

Also see Jonathan's blog entry on the announcement.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Finally Sun introduced Niagara-2 CPU - see the announcement.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Trusted System with one click?

I've been going thru latest heads-ups for Nevada and found this. In the past we had Trusted Systems which were entirely separate system installs. Then with Trusted Extensions in Solaris 10U3 you could get a Trusted System by just installing your software. Now all is required is a one command... I'm a little bit oversimplifying here of course but still looks like we're getting Trusted Systems features being more and more part of a standard operating system.

DTrace vs. SystemTap

No, no more comparisons - every one who has actually try both just a little bit know it doesn't really make sense to compare them. SystemTap is just another toy noone is using in a production and for a good reasons.
Nevertheless if you are interested in some background of DTrace vs. SystemTap read this blog entry.